Når der er opsving i samfundet og gang i hjulene ude på arbejdspladserne, ansætter virksomhederne flere mennesker, og der skal skaffes nyt kontorareal.
Dermed er der også gang i hjulene hos 2MOVE, hvor vi i øjeblikket kan konstatere, at der er stigende efterspørgsel på kontorer fra virksomheder, der vokser. Og selvom vi oplever, at det primært er kolleger, fleksibilitet og spændende arbejdsopgaver, der driver arbejdsglæden, så er kontoret også et vigtigt parameter for mange virksomheder.
War for talent
Vi oplever oftere og oftere, at især virksomhederne med over 50 ansatte i højere grad end tidligere bruger lokaler og location som en brik i spillet om at tiltrække og fastholde de rigtige medarbejdere. Navnlig handler det om fastholdelse af nøglemedarbejdere. Der er war for talent derude!
Lokaler under radaren
Hos os er der en stigende efterspørgsel på lokaler, der ikke nødvendigvis findes på søgedatabaserne, og vi kan se, at de rigtig fede lokaler ofte skifter hænder i skyggesiden af ejendomsmarkedet. Faktisk finder og formidler vi omkring en fjerdedel af lokalerne off market.
Ligesom ingen rigtig gider at spise det æble, der har ligget lidt længe i frugtskålen, er de lokaler, der har ligget på portalerne i lang tid, ikke lige så attraktive som dem, vi kan finde off-market til vores kunder. De vil helst have noget, der er specielt og nyt – og gerne ukendt for andre.
Firmacykel til byens sweet spots
Vi har et stort netværk, vi trækker på for at finde frem til de hemmelige, sjove og attraktive off market-lokaler. Men ud over at ringe rundt, maile og mødes med vores forbindelser, så cykler vi også. Vi starter ganske enkelt firmacyklen op og kører rundt til byens sweet spots og kontakter de virksomheder, der allerede bor på adressen.
Cykelhjul og samfundshjul
Gang i hjulene ude i samfundet betyder altså også gang i cykelhjulene hos 2MOVE. Tit har vi et visitkort eller en ny mulighed med hjem i cykeltasken.
Og så skulle det i øvrigt også være så sundt med den der friske luft.
Hør mere om off market-lejemål – ring til Jacob på +45 29 20 90 65 eller send en mail til jg@rightsize.dk
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See our for more information.
Privacy Policy
Sankt Gertruds Stræde 5,4 floor
1129-DK Copenhagen
Email: Info@rightsize.dk
Data responsible: Jacob Garder
The website uses ”cookies” which is a text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or mobile. The purpose is to improve the user experience by recognizing your device and remember your settings as well as perform statistics, target the content and direct inquiry hereafter. Cookies cannot contain malicious files such as virus or others. It is possible to delete or block the cookies. You can always change your cookie settings in the browser. Read more about cookies at Erhvervsstyrelsens website https://erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/cookies
Data collection
Personal information
Personal information is all kinds of information which is attributable to a person. When a person uses our website we collect and process a range of these and when you: submit to our newsletter, want to receive a non-binding offer from us through the contact formular or participate in our surveys.
We typically collect and process the following type of information: A unique ID, technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile device, your IP-adress, geographical location (country and region) and which pages you click on. It is happens when you visit our website.
Contact formular
When you use our contact formular on the website these inquiries are stored and send to our e-mail system in order to answer your questions and store answers.
The contact formulars are not used for marketing purposes, newsletter sign-up registration or similar without your consent. Your data is not distributed anywhere outside of the organisation without it is relevant for the topic and have your full approval.
Analytics tools
In order to give us the best insight and comparison of data for our website we use the following analytics tools. These tools are based on anonymous data: Google Analytics, Hotjar, Facebook Pixels and Google tag manager.
You have at any time the rights not to be included in our surveys although we appreciate that you help us to improve our website and understand what and where to focus our work.
Data storage
We have decided technical and organizational procedures to prevent that your personal information accidently or illigaly will be deleted, published, lost, deteriorated or comes to unauthorized persons, abused or otherwise treated in violation of the law.
In case of data breach, all our registered users will be contacted within 72 hours notified about the date of the incident and guidance what to do about it. Our first priority in this situation is to get the security hole closed in order to minimize the data loss for the users.
Data protection
We appreciate your data, as we like our own, so we protect the data with the following procedures which is kept updated at all times: SSL encrypting, firewall, two factor authentication, education of employees, strong password protection and more.
Data storage period
If you write and submit data to the website using the contact formular it will be stored in our e-mail system indefinitely in order to refer to previous agreements and comments from these.
Analytics data is archived indefinitely to be able to view and supervise our online growth and improve our activities. Our customer reference archive is handled according to danish law.
Information is collected for analytics purposes and stored in Google Analytics no longer than 26 months, hereafter the data will be deleted automatically.
Data rights
Export and deletion of data
You have the right to get acccess and insights into the data that we have stored about you. You can always request a file containing your personal data that we have stored including all the data that you have submitted to us.
You can also request us to delete all your personal data. It excludes any form of data which we are obliged to store on behalf of administrative, legal or security manners.
Contact the data responsible via e-mail or telephone specified above on this page.